An industrial land plot of 9 ha in the Kaliningrad Region is offered for sale
starting price
Land plot viewings: on March 17 and 19, 2020
Bidding: on March 20, 2020. The lot will be sold by 21/03/2020 at the highest bid price
An industrial land plot of 9 ha
15 000 000 rub.
An industrial land plot of 9 ha in the Kaliningrad Region
is offered for sale
  • Category of land
    Land for industry, energy, transport, communications, broadcasting, television, computer science or space program activities
  • Land plot purpose
    The land plot is intended for the construction of industrial enterprises, wholesale distribution centres, production management facilities, and logistics complexes
  • Utilities
    Utility networks for electricity, gas, water supply, and water removal are supplied to the land plot border
  • Address and location
    The land plot is conveniently located within the ring road (the Primorskoye Ring), 1.2 km from the road exit.

    Address: west of the Lugovoye-Novoye station, Guryevskiy District, Kaliningrad Region, Northwestern Federal District, Russian Federation
  • Legal status
    Private property
Video presentation
Buying a land plot includes the benefits and support of the Kaliningrad Region Special Economic Zone
The provisions of the special economic zone operating in the Kaliningrad Region provide the highest tax incentives in the Russian Federation for businesses with investments of more than 1 million roubles.

This saves hundreds of millions of roubles for Kaliningrad residents in the form of tax relief on profits, property, and land.

Resident companies in the Kaliningrad Region Special Economic Zone receive a number of significant tax and customs benefits:
0% income tax
for 6 years starting from first profit, 10% income tax for the next 6 years
0% land tax
for 5 years from initial ownership when implementing an investment project
0% property tax
for the first 6 years,
1.1% property tax for the next 6 years
7.6% instead of 30%
Social security rates for job creation, providing subsidies for development of the labour market
180 day VAT deferment is possible
as well as compensation for import duty
No VAT or customs duties
for foreign goods used in the region
Guaranteed fixed tax amount for residents
Stable rental amount
for the entire rental contract term
As well as
Simplified visa procedure
for citizens of other countries representing a company resident in the Special Economic Zone
An industrial land plot of 9 ha in the Kaliningrad Region
Land plot photos
Utility networks for electricity, gas, water supply, and water removal are supplied to the land plot border.
Immediate environment
Infrastructure facilities (factory, combined heat and power plant), hypermarket, temporary storage warehouse and customs broker.
Transport infrastructure
The territory is located within a large ring road (the Primorskoye Ring), with direct access to the ring road. This is an active transport logistics zone.
The centre of Kaliningrad is only 10 km (15 minutes by car) from the site.
Ring road (the Primorskoye Ring)
Direct road turnoff is 1.2 km from the site, with the road providing access to anywhere in the region
Kaliningrad Sea Trade Port is 13 km/25 minutes by car from the site
Railway station
Lugovoye-Novoye station: 10 km/15 minutes by car from the site
Khrabrovo Airport
30 km/35 minutes by car from the site
Close proximity to EU countries
The Kaliningrad Region borders Poland and Lithuania.
45 km to Poland.
120 km to Lithuania.

The Kaliningrad Sea Trade Port is connected by container lines to the ports of the Netherlands, Great Britain, Germany, Poland, Finland, Latvia, Estonia, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, France, and Lithuania.
Land registry data
Land plot registry number: 39:03:091003:89
Land registry number assignment date: 10.07.2013

Information on the Rosreyestr website (Federal Service for State Registration, Land Registry Records and Cartography)
Land plot use options
The land plot is intended for the construction of industrial enterprises, wholesale distribution centres, production management facilities and logistics complexes.
  • Factory construction
    Russian or foreign company factory for the manufacture of building mixtures, or another type of industrial production.
  • Warehouse and wholesale distribution centre construction
    Russian or foreign company finished goods warehouse, a wholesale distribution centre for one or more companies.
  • Exhibition space
    Due to its convenient location and accessibility from anywhere in the Kaliningrad Region and from Europe, the land plot is an excellent site for construction of an exhibition complex.
  • Infrastructure hub
    The territory can accommodate facilities that combine several functions at once: production facilities, a logistics and distribution centre, a centre for issuing orders, a warehouse, a showroom, an exhibition space, etc.
Key advantages
Special economic zone
A buyer of the land plot and companies located on it in the future become residents of the SEZ and can significantly save on taxes
Favourable location
relative to Kaliningrad and direct proximity to EU countries by land and sea
The land plot is fully provided with utilities, road transport infrastructure; electricity, water, and gas are supplied to the land plot border
Developed infrastructure environment
Infrastructure facilities, such as warehouses, factories, a supermarket, and a customs broker are in close proximity
Customs broker
provides quick and efficient customs registration or customs clearance for goods, as well as offering cargo transportation to/from European countries
Temporary storage warehouse
is located in close proximity and provides rental of boxes for storing goods of any volume
All this ensures significant advantages for Russian and foreign investment projects
An industrial land plot of 9 ha in the Kaliningrad Region
Bidding rules
Instruction for buyers
Only buyers who have physically examined the land plot being sold may take part in the bidding.
To participate in bidding, you must place a bid before 12:00 on March 20 (Friday).
Submit the bid and your phone number (to be called on Friday after 14:00) in your offer. If your phone is turned off or busy at the appointed time, the buyer will lose the right to participate in the bidding.
Initial offers may be made and changed by telephone, at any time, before 14:00 on March 20 (Friday).
The buyer who offers the highest price on open days (on March 17 and March 19) shall place the first bid on the auction day (on March 20 at 14:00). The buyer offering the second highest price on open days shall make the second bid on the auction day, etc., in turn of offers from all bidders.
The winner will be determined on Friday (on March 20) at 20:00. The winner will sign the deposit agreement or security payment agreement on Friday (on March 20) or Saturday (on March 21) at 10:00 in the office of the Dream Realt Real Estate Agency at Moskovskiy Prospekt, 48A, Kaliningrad.
If the winner is late for signing the deposit agreement or security payment agreement by 10 minutes or more, or changes the transaction terms, the land plot will be sold to the buyer who took 2nd place.
If during the bidding, the price of the land plot being sold does not suit the seller, the bidding will be declared as having not been held, and another day of viewings will be arranged.
An industrial land plot of 9 ha in the Kaliningrad Region

Active transport logistics zone, direct access to the ring road (the Primorskoye Ring) connecting with all points of the Kaliningrad Region
Address: west of the Lugovoye-Novoye station, Guryevskiy District, Kaliningrad Region, Northwestern Federal District, Russian Federation